Oatleaf is a free online publication with open submissions year-round.
Visit the Submit page to view submission guidelines!
Oatleaf does not profit from the work of poets. The goal of this magazine is to publish and share amazing poems with others who love and appreciate poetry.
We are looking forward to nominating candidates for the Pushcart Prize at the end of 2025!
Andi Leigh | Editor-in-Chief
Andi is an indie poet, novelist, and short story writer from Western Massachusetts. They are a lover of the written word and has an obsession with chapbooks, literary magazines, and indie publishing. Andi has published several full-length poetry collections and chapbooks. They published their first novel in 2023. Andi has written and published more than 1,200 poems and aims to pen many more.
Josue LaFountaine | Editor
Josue is a digital artist and writer from Western Massachusetts. He's passionate about art and physical media. He's developing multiple self-published illustrated story projects and can't wait to release them.
@josuelafountaineart | Instagram